Purity Prayag

Purity Prayag
CategoriesFood & Health Wellness

Classic Organic Indian Snacks

If you’re not looking inside the fridge, you’re definitely looking at the bottom of a tupperware. Snacks are the perfect remedy for boredom; they give you comfort and spark joy and happiness. Especially when they’re close to home.  When it comes to snacking, the choices are endless. From traditional favorites to innovative delights, one category […]

fruits for heathy gut CategoriesFood & Health

5 fruits that are good for your gut health

The gut microbiome, which is collectively known as the body’s 40 trillion bacteria, is crucial for maintaining the overall health of your body because the bulk of these bacteria reside in your gut. Prebiotics (No, not probiotics), many of which are high in dietary fiber found in fruits, are crucial for feeding your healthy bacteria […]

vegetables with high pestisides CategoriesFood & Health

Top 5 vegetables available in Hyderabad that have the most pesticides.

According to the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad, and the Agricultural Ministry of Telangana, vegetables sold at wholesale and retail markets across the city have more than 40 different pesticide residues which are beyond permissible limits. The most pesticide residues are found in okra, spinach, eggplants, cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, brinjal, radish, tomatoes, hot pepper, […]