How peanut butter can help you in weight loss?

purity prayag's peanut butter

Have you ever wondered how peanut butter could also help you in losing weight? If consumed in the right quantity, peanut butter can play an effective role in your weight management plan as it is loaded with healthy fats, protein, fiber, and other essential minerals and vitamins.

Given that the healthiest diets include a variety of nutrient-rich foods to suit your nutritional demands, these nutrients will help you lose weight. Whether eaten raw, roasted or as a spread, peanuts are an excellent source of nutritional value. They are also excellent sources of protein without any cholesterol. 

Peanut butter for weight loss

Peanut butter can indeed be a helpful component in a weight loss plan, as long as it is consumed in moderation. As a high-calorie, high-fat food, it should be included in a balanced diet that also includes lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. When combined with physical activity, incorporating peanut butter into your diet can lead to weight loss by helping you feel full and satisfied, controlling blood sugar levels, and boosting metabolism.

Good Fat in peanut butter 

Mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, or the “healthy” fats, make up the majority of the lipids in peanuts. The issue is that because it’s a widespread belief that eating fat will make you gain weight quickly, many people avoid foods that are higher in fat. While this may be true for trans and highly saturated fatty meals, fat is actually a necessary dietary component for energy, the absorption of specific vitamins and minerals, blood coagulation, and as an anti-inflammatory. These healthy fats can provide sustained energy that helps your body to burn more calories.

It keeps you full 

Studies have found many benefits that are associated with peanuts in particular to the body’s health, weight, and hunger management. Consuming regular amounts of peanuts, peanut butter, and peanuts in your diet results in longer-term weight management, which is partly attributable to their high satiety and energy density. Simply put, peanut butter is an excellent source of protein, which is essential for muscle building and metabolic promotion. This helps in reducing your hunger cravings, keeping you feel satiated for longer periods, and making it easier to stick to a calorie-controlled diet.

Low glycemic index score (GI) score

A low-GI diet may assist you in shedding pounds or maintaining a healthy weight. It might assist you in managing a diabetes regimen and also could reduce your risk of developing heart, blood vessels, and diabetic disorders. Choosing low-glycemic foods also may help to improve your blood sugar regulation. 

With a low GI score of 14, peanut butter helps to suppress insulin levels in the body and won’t have an impact on your blood sugar levels, keeping them steady for a considerable amount of time after consumption. Your body starts to burn fat for energy when insulin and sugar levels are low, which eventually results in weight reduction.

A Calorie-dense fix for arresting hunger pangs quickly

Moderation is the key to our weight loss. Peanut butter is a pack of a calorie punch, providing approximately 200 calories per 30 grams of serving. This is exactly why many assume that eating peanut butter leads to weight gain. It’s true but only if you consume more calories than you burn. When compared to other ultra-processed diet foods, peanut butter’s 200 calories are nutrient-rich and have a stronger health impact on you. Start eating peanut butter with an account of extra calories, or else, you might hinder your weight loss efforts. 

Ways to include peanut butter in your weight loss diet

Peanut butter can be used in a diet that supports weight loss, however, some approaches may be more effective than others. Despite the fact that peanut butter in its most natural form is quite nutritious, many commercially prepared varieties are laden with additives like sugar and hydrogenated oils, which may include trans fats. Make sure there are also no additional ingredients by reading the label before purchasing peanut butter. 

Given its adaptability, there are a variety of methods to incorporate peanut butter into your diet to add a boost of dietary fiber and protein. There are other methods to include peanut butter in your diet outside the traditional peanut butter and sandwich.

  • For a protein shake or smoothie, include peanut butter.
  • Some apple slices or celery stalks can be covered in peanut butter.
  • Dress your salad with peanuts.
  • Cover rice or corn cakes with peanut butter.
  • Into a bowl of oats, mix peanut butter or chopped peanuts.
  • Mix one tablespoon of peanut butter into the protein-rich Greek yogurt.

Best time to eat peanut butter

You can eat peanut butter during breakfast to stay fuller longer. Furthermore, it increases your energy levels and stabilizes your blood sugar levels, which might help you avoid mid-morning eating and sugar cravings.

Instead of consuming a sports drink or protein shake following your workout, try eating some peanut butter. After working out, consume a spoonful of peanut butter to prevent muscle loss. Compared to sports drinks, it also contains fewer calories and added sugars.

Due to the inherent sweetness of peanut butter, having a spoonful instead of a dessert will help you consume fewer calories while simultaneously satisfying your appetite for sugar.

Consider eating portions of peanut butter. 32 grams or two tablespoons of peanut butter in a day is generally recommended for better weight management. 

Contamination in peanut butter

Salmonella spp. contamination and aflatoxins are the two main food safety issues connected to consuming peanut butter in terms of frequency and possible impact. After being roasted and shelled, the peanuts may be stored in some facilities in huge mounds or containers exposing them to rainwater, moisture, and feces from birds and rodents. This can lead to salmonella contamination in peanut butter which eventually makes you sick with fever, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. 

Also, commercially available peanut butter is packed with extra sugars, salt, fats, and oils that can cause weight gain, raise blood sugar and blood pressure, and other health problems. You may churn fresh peanuts yourself to remove undesirable additives. To make it at home, simply pulse peanuts in a high-speed food processor until they have the consistency of creamy butter, pausing occasionally to scrape down the sides.

Healthy & 100% Natural peanut butter 

Purity Prayag stocks 100% Natural & chemical free peanut butter and other groceries across its stores in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai. The peanut butter is sold under the 24 Mantra brand which is a certified organic products company. It is made from peanuts that are organically grown and tested for over 3500 chemical and pesticide residues. The products are free from contamination and processed in a clean, certified food-grade facility.

Purity prayag’s peanut butter also has a fresher, nuttier flavor because the peanuts are roasted and flavored without any hydrogenated oils. Replace your peanut butter with organic peanut butter at your nearest Purity Prayag store to make a healthy living, reducing your belly fat and overall body weight.